Nintendo DSi XL. A Nintendo DS that is all grown up. This Nintendo toy, very popular among Japanese girls and female gamers around the planet, is almost 100% bigger than the previous model of this cute Nintendo series.
- It can take photos. You can also upload your photos to Facebook instantly with the Nintendo DSi XL with just a press of a button that instantly connects your Nintendo DSi XL to your Facebook account.
- A majority of the games made for the Nintendo DS are for women. Like
Littlest Pet Shop Friends: City
Imagine: Sweet 16 (Nintendo DS)
Hello Kitty Deco Seal for DS lite
- The Nintendo DS Lite can fit in your purse.
- Waiting for friends for dinner or waiting at the doctor's office is a drag and this is one fun way to pass time.
- There are hundreds of games to choose from and the Nintendo DSi XL comes with 3 pre-loaded games.
- It's cheaper than most portable gaming toys (Like the Playstation PSP) out there.
- The best part: You can go online through Wi-Fi on it and surf the web.